Monday, July 18, 2011


Welcome to the newly minted website for all things geopolitical. This is Xmarine part deu if you have followed my previous blog and if you haven't experienced the wonderful world according to Bruce then check out what I've written in the past, if you dare.

This website is going to focus on foreign policy, American or otherwise, in general and how it relates to bible prophecy. If you have studied the doctrine of dispensations, then you must know that anything goes in the age of the Church and though there are many prophecies in both the old and new testaments in the bible, we live in an era where prophecy is in stasis until such time that it is unlocked and proceeds forward.

When does the "unlocking" begin? Well, that is the mystery of the Church Age. The recall of God's ambassadors must proceed first before any additional prophecies may be fulfilled. The recall of his ambassadorial delegation on a global scale, if you'll indulge me, is the Resurrection of the Church, both dead and alive, which is the wholesale removal of all Saints on earth to Heaven in one vast and majestic sweep unseen by the naked eye and executed instantaneously. When does that begin? No one knows for sure, however I do have my suspicions, that the Resurrection of the Church begins when the world finally rejects en masse the demarche from Heaven.

What is the demarche from Heaven? For nearly 2000 years, ambassadors for Christ have gone forth to the four corners of the earth presenting their divine credentials as Saints and recruiting humanity from whole nations to individual citizens from Kings and Queens and to the poor and destitute. The Divine Demarche demands that you give up the citizenship you were born with on earth and accept citizenship in another "country" namely Heaven. Thus, in order to receive your "passport" you must give your allegiance to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, who is Christ Jesus.

For two millennia this process of recruitment has proceeded slowly and unevenly but over time has flowed over the entire earth so that mankind is without excuse. However, the time seems to be closing for the recruitment of the Church and as time marches on then we'll see how the nations of the world are fast becoming the enemies of Christ. When the ambassadorial delegations are removed from earth by God then a state of war will exist between the citizens of Earth and the citizens of Heaven. The outcome of this dispute will not be in doubt, at least from the Saints perspective. When Christ returns he does so with the vast army of Saints he recruited previously in the Church Age. The defeat of Satan's forces, both human and inhuman, and the occupation of earth by Christ and his Saints are all outlined in both the old and new testaments in the Bible. We humans will either bow our knee to one of two sovereigns, either Christ or Satan, and we humans will share their fate or share in their spoils of war.

Behold, the future!

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