Friday, June 7, 2013

Read A Little, Learn A Little

Here are a couple of articles I thought were relevant to our ongoing view of how the world is turning. Some are couple of months old but still worth the read. I'm still continually amazed how world events are unfolding in our time in relation to Biblical Eschatology. To me, prophecy is the proof that there is a God. I certainly understand why a society throughly entrenched in a materialist mentality would not believe in the Divine Creator but then the Bible does state that he is invisible with only the Christ being the visible part of the God-head. Whatever your views, the next couple of articles should serve to enrich and explore the coming wave of reality upon our beliefs.

The Coming Fourth Reich -

Proxcimitron- The Miracle of Technology

Potemkin Nation - Seeing Is Not Believing

Pax Americana - USA is #1

Power of the forehead - More Here Than Meets The Eye

Attack of the Drones - Cue The Imperial March

That Military Industrial Complex - By The Numbers

Kings of the East


  1. Let me begin by saying that to murder is a sin. To murder someone in the name of God is still a sin. Any virtue that was to be gained by an act of murder thus corrupts that very virtue and any blood shed against the innocent in the name of God is thus rejected by God. Consequently, a murderer cannot be a martyr. Virtue cannot be realized by acting in sin. Furthermore, we know God rejects murder because Christ the Lord will reward all martyrs a Crown of Righteousness when they are resurrected in the future. No murderer will receive this crown - only the murdered. And even more precise - only they that are murdered in Christ's name shall receive this crown.
